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Shop at your local Stop & Shop at 1235 Farmington Avenue in West Hartford, CT for the best grocery selection, quality, & savings. Pharmacy: Open Today: 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM. Shop at your local Stop & Shop at 155 Boston Post Road in Waterford, CT for the best grocery selection, quality, & savings. Visit our pharmacy & gas station for great deals and rewards. cpd 1617 scanner Accent Flowers - Baby's Breath ; 8 stems. Shop at your local Stop & Shop at 11 East Main Street in Canaan, CT for the best grocery selection, quality, & savings. Visit our pharmacy & gas station for great deals and rewards. Shop at your local Stop & Shop at 128 Samson Rock Road in Madison, CT for the best grocery selection, quality, & savings. megan woods wdiv age Stop & Shop is committed to fighting hunger in its communities and working to ensure no student has to go to school hungry through the Stop & Shop School Food Pantry Program. The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company LLC is an Ahold Delhaize USA Company and employs over 50,000 associates and operates more than 350 stores throughout Connecticut. Visit our pharmacy & gas station for great deals and rewards. Stop & Shop is committed to fighting hunger in its communities and working to ensure no student has to go to school hungry through the Stop & Shop School Food Pantry Program. thefitmami video Visit our pharmacy & gas station for great deals and rewards Store Hours. ….

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